EAST – WEST Shootout
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Das erste East/West-Showdown war gesetzt, so dass alle Top-Jungs von jeder Küste in Indianapolis am Start standen!! Haiden Deegan sah in der Praxis und Qualifikation stark aus und gewann sein Heat -Rennen, sodass Haiden auf Platz drei ins Ziel kam nachdem er fast in einem Netz hängen blieb.
Quelle / Source / Pictures / Bilder: Deegan
The first East/West Showdown has arrived, which meant all the top guys from each coast went head-to-head in Indianapolis!! Looking strong in practice and qualifying, Haiden Deegan ended up winning his heat race so it was off to the Main– Making his way up to the front, Haiden ended up finishing with a third after almost getting caught in a net!! Be sure to watch until the end for all of the crazy non-stop action from this past weekend in Indy!
Quelle / Source / Pictures / Bilder: Deegan