Ronnie Mac 69 Shreds Oregon Sand Dunes on 500cc Magnum Eagle 🦅💨💨💨!

Sand Games

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In dieser Episode von Ronnie Mac 69 YouTube beschließt Ron, mit seinem Nachbarn Dakota in die Coos Bay, Oregon Sand Dunes, für einen Poker-Run zu gehen! Mit dem Screamin Eagle bringt Ronnie den großen Bohrer BRC Magnum Eagle 509cc für einen Riss in den tiefen Sand mit.

Quelle / Source / Pictures / Bilder: Ronnie Mac


In this episode of Ronnie Mac 69 YouTube, Ron decides to head to the Coos Bay, Oregon sand dunes with his neighbor Dakota for a poker run! With the screamin eagle still outta commission, Ronnie brings the big bore BRC Magnum Eagle 509cc for a rip in the deep sand. Before drawling the winning hand, yer Uncle hauls some serious azz through the dunes and catches huge air! Enjoy folks!

Quelle / Source / Pictures / Bilder: Ronnie Mac