The Pros fly
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Hier sind die letzten Rennen des Tennessee Knockout Extreme Enduro 2024. Diese Veranstaltung dient als AMA USA-Nationalmeisterschaft und war gleichzeitig Runde 5 der FIM-Enduro-Weltmeisterschaft im Trials Training Center.
1. Manuel Lettenbichler
2. Trystan Hart
3. Wade Young
4. Teodor Kabakchiev
5. Ashton Brightmore
6. Alfredo Gomez
7. Colton Haaker
8. Mario Roman
9. Ryder Leblond
10. Cody Webb
Here is the final races of the 2024 Tennessee Knockout Extreme Enduro. This event serves as the AMA USA National Championship and was also round 5 of the FIM World Enduro Championship at the Trials Training Center.
1. Manuel Lettenbichler
2. Trystan Hart
3. Wade Young
4. Teodor Kabakchiev
5. Ashton Brightmore
6. Alfredo Gomez
7. Colton Haaker
8. Mario Roman
9. Ryder Leblond
10. Cody Webb
Full race report, gallery: LINK