NORRA 500 – King of the beach 2024: DAY 3/FINISH – San Quintin to Ensenada – Live Broadcast, results, report!

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Der letzte Renntag beim NORRA 500 2024 steht vor der Tür. Wer vorne liegt und stark läuft, hofft, es mit einem Sieg nach Hause zu bringen. Diejenigen, die am ersten Tag vielleicht Probleme hatten, suchen nach einer Chance auf Erlösung. Das Rallye-Format und die mehrtägigen Rennen in NORRA ermöglichen es den Teams, sich neu zu gruppieren und ihr Bestes zu geben. Egal wie viel Arbeit in die Vorbereitung gesteckt wird, jedes Team kann einen großartigen Renntag haben oder auf Probleme stoßen. NORRA-Rennen zeigen, wer konstant gut ist und nebenbei Probleme lösen kann. Die Gewinner hatten nicht nur einen glücklichen Tag; Sie zeigten ihr Können und ließen keinen Zweifel daran, dass sie die Stärksten waren.

Der zweite Tag würde viele spektakuläre Landschaften und einzigartige Erlebnisse bieten, während er von San Quintin nach Norden nach Ensenada führte. Der letzte 51 Meilen lange Sonderabschnitt von San Vicente nach Santo Tomas würde den König des Strandes krönen. Die schnellste Zeit auf diesem Abschnitt gewinnt die Sondertrophäe. Neben dem Rennen um den Gesamtsieg kämpfen auch einzelne Klassen um einen Platz auf dem Podium. Nach Hunderten von Rennmeilen am ersten Tag trennten die Teilnehmer nur Minuten und manchmal nur Sekunden. Die Strategie am letzten Renntag besteht darin, schnell zu fahren und zu gewinnen. Wenn man sich die Namensliste ganz oben in der Rangliste ansieht, wäre es nicht einfach, sich Zeit für diese Teams zu sichern.

Dave Mason Jr. würde den Tag auf dem siebten Gesamtrang beginnen. Auf der ersten Etappe stürmte er los und holte sich den Sieg, doch der Gesamtführende Kyle Murray ließ sich nicht Zeit vor ihm aufholen und wurde Zweiter. Gay Smith setzte sich gegen den Spitzenreiter der Evolution Unlimited-Klasse und den zweiten Gesamtrang Bill Zemak durch. Smith war auf der Etappe der drittschnellste, aber erneut war Zemak Vierter und hatte Smith im Griff. Jeff Terzo hatte einen starken Lauf und belegte den fünftschnellsten Platz auf der Etappe. Die starken Teams an der Spitze waren weiterhin schnell unterwegs. Bruce Yee wurde Sechster, Thomas Purcell Siebter, Richie Mendez Achter, Renee Hudson Neunter und Gilberto Rodriguez Zehnter. Die Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Klasse 10-Rennfahrer machten den Yee’s, die die Klasse anführten, mächtig Konkurrenz. Sie belegten die Plätze fünf bis zehn. Da zwanzigtausend Dollar auf dem Spiel standen, war es Zeit zu gehen.

Auf der zweiten Etappe gab es einige neue Namen an der Spitze und etwas Bewegung in der Gesamtwertung. Es war immer noch Dave Mason Jr. mit dem Sieg und Kyle Murray, der ihn auf dem zweiten Platz vertrat, aber Zak Langley war der drittschnellste. Die fünfte Klasse der Fab School von Hap Kellogg belegte den sechsten Platz. Austin Farner wurde Siebter. Edward Gibson wurde mit seinem Heavy-Metal-Truck Neunter und Ricardo Zaragoza mit seinem Pro Turbo UTV Zehnter.

Vor der letzten gezeiteten Sonderprüfung „King of the Beach“ lautete die Gesamtwertung Kyle Murray als Erster, Bill Zemak als Zweiter, Bruce Yee als Dritter, PJ Jones als Vierter, Dave Mason Jr. als Fünfter, Zak Langley als Sechster, Austin Farner als Siebter, Gilberto Rodriguez als Achter. Jeff Terzo wurde Neunter und Todd Romano Zehnter. Diese letzte Etappe war eine Herausforderung. Von San Vicente aus ging es durch die Wäsche in Richtung Pazifischer Ozean. Nachdem sie den Strand in Erendira erreicht hatte, verlief sie entlang der Küste, vorbei an Rancho Tampico und dann durch die Küstenberge nach Santo Tomas. Um erfolgreich zu sein, bräuchte der Fahrer Schnelligkeit, aber auch Präzision.

Dave Mason Jr. bewies erneut seine Schnelligkeit und holte sich den Etappensieg und den Titel „King of the Beach“. Bruce Yee legte einen sehr schnellen Lauf hin und belegte auf der Etappe den zweiten Platz. Gay Smith wurde Dritter. Kyle Murray war ein solider vierter. Bill Zemak wurde Fünfter. Die Top Ten belegten dann Zak Langley, Austin Farner, Hap Kellogg, Jeff Terzo und Gilberto Rodriguez, in dieser Reihenfolge. Jetzt mussten nur noch die Endzeiten gezählt, etwaige Strafen ausgewertet und die Sieger gefeiert werden. Dem Lächeln auf allen Gesichtern nach zu urteilen, gab es viele, die ihre einzelnen Schlachten gewannen. Möglicherweise erreichten sie gerade erst die Ziellinie, nachdem sie Widrigkeiten überwunden hatten, bis hin zu einem Gesamtsieg oder einem Geldpreis für ihre Klasse. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle.

Der Gesamtsieg ging an Kyle Murray, der beide Renntage dominierte. Sein Team zeigte eine Geschwindigkeit und Konstanz, die ihresgleichen suchten. Bill Zemak war knapp Zweiter und zeigte weitgehend die gleiche Leistung. Er gewann die Evolution-Unlimited-Buggy-Klasse vor Dave Mason Jr., dem Zweiten in der Klasse und dem Dritten in der Gesamtwertung. Mason verbesserte sich am zweiten Tag vom siebten auf den dritten Gesamtrang. Vierter in der Gesamtwertung und große Gewinner des Rennens waren die Yee-Brüder Bruce, Max und Diego. Es schien keine Rolle zu spielen, wer am Steuer saß oder welcher Bruder die Navigation anrief; sie waren schnell. Sie belegten den vierten Gesamtrang und gewannen die Kategorien Pro 2000 UTV und Class 10, was ihnen einen Scheck über 20.000 Dollar und einen K24 Honda-Rennmotor von Lozano Performance im Wert von 9.500 Dollar einbrachte. Dieser Kurs schien für den Sieg eines Wagens der Klasse 10 geeignet zu sein, aber es gab in der Klasse viel Konkurrenz; darunter Austin Farner, der Zweiter wurde, und Jeff Terzo, der Dritter wurde.

Auch die Yee-Brüder hatten die Polizei im Visier, aber nicht so, wie Sie denken. Zak Langley und das Cops-Rennteam belegten den fünften Gesamtrang und den zweiten Platz im Evolution 6100. PJ Jones war der Sieger im Pro Turbo UTV und Sechster im Gesamtklassement. PJ erhielt außerdem einen Scheck über 20.000 US-Dollar und die UTV-Trophäe „Fab School Overall“. Nur zweieinhalb Minuten dahinter lag der zweite UTV-Gesamtsieg und der siebte Gesamtrang von Austin Farner. Die Plätze acht, neun und zehn insgesamt gingen allesamt an UTVs. Der Auftrag ging an Gilberto Rodriguez, Jeff Terzo und Todd Romano.

Erwähnenswert ist auch Hap Kellogg, der einen weiteren Vintage-Titel der Klasse 5 gewann. Sein von der Fab School gesponsertes Auto stammt aus der Vintage-Ära, kann aber immer noch mit den schnellsten Fahrzeugen der Evolution-Ära mithalten. Im Kampf der Evolution-Klasse 11 gelang es Ramon Manriquez, die Führung von Franz Muhr zu überwinden, sich den Sieg zu holen und $2500 zu bekommen. Chris Forsberg und das NISMO-Team holten ihren zweiten NORRA 500-Sieg in Folge. Und für all die Millionen, die sich fragten, ob der Donut Media 5150-Truck die Baja überleben würde: Sie haben es getan. Das Team hat einen unglaublichen Job gemacht und alles gemeistert, was Baja zu bieten hatte. Unser Großmarschall Ramon Castro wurde von Bilstein mit der Madonna-Trophäe ausgezeichnet. Janey Lee, die zum ersten Mal am NORRA 500 teilnahm, aber bestimmt nicht zum letzten Mal, erhielt die Mary McGee-Trophäe für ihre Leistungen auf und neben der Strecke.

Der Wettbewerbsaspekt der Veranstaltung war aufregend, aber NORRA bietet noch viel mehr. NORRA-Events bieten Ihnen das gesamte Baja-Erlebnis. Die Meyers Manx Safari Expedition hatte laut den Teilnehmern eine unglaubliche Reise. Ein großer Dank geht an die vielen Freiwilligen, die Kehrmannschaften; die übrigens immer noch Menschen auf dem Heimweg retteten, und die unglaublichen Sponsoren von NORRA; Speed ​​Energy, Bilstein, Meyers Manx, Raceline Wheels, Nomad, Mobelwagen, STEEL-IT und The Fab School. Sie alle machen es zu einem großartigen Ereignis. Vollständige Endergebnisse und mehr finden Sie unter Schauen Sie sich auch die Berichterstattung auf NORRA TV an, um Filmmaterial vom Rennen zu sehen.




Results / Ergebnisse – OVERALL PRO

P11-SS01 P
P13-SS02 P
P15-SS03 P
P21-SS01 P
P23-SS02 P
P25-SS03 P
1st comp
Diff to
1 6109 Kyle Murray Evolution 6100 Geiser trophy truck spec 6 1:40:57 5 1:25:34 2 1:16:30 2 0:56:11 2 1:08:37 2 1:08:51 4 0:00:45 7:37:25 . . 6109
2 935 Bill Zemak Evolution Unlimited Buggy Rmr Jackal 6 1:42:12 6 1:27:57 7 1:19:59 4 0:57:55 4 1:09:25 4 1:08:56 5 „“:““ 7:46:24 0:08:59 0:08:59 935
3 165 Dave Mason jr. Evolution Unlimited Buggy Mason Off Road Class 1 Unlimited 6 2:02:54 36 1:25:52 3 1:15:52 1 0:54:43 1 1:05:09 1 1:05:31 1 0:02:51 7:52:52 0:15:27 0:06:28 165
4 1014 Bruce Yee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Alumicraft Class 10 6 1:40:51 4 1:31:37 14 1:23:10 7 1:00:45 6 1:10:00 5 1:07:31 2 „“:““ 7:53:54 0:16:29 0:01:02 1014
5 250 Zak Langley Evolution 6100 Mason TTspec 6 1:44:43 10 1:27:39 6 1:22:30 6 1:05:38 24 1:09:20 3 1:09:17 6 „“:““ 7:59:07 0:21:42 0:05:13 250
6 980 Pj Jones Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Mav R 6 1:40:17 2 1:25:03 1 1:24:31 8 1:02:36 12 1:13:40 12 1:12:59 13 0:06:03 8:05:09 0:27:44 0:06:02 980
7 144 Austin (fish) Farner Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 6 1:43:20 8 1:29:19 9 1:26:22 10 1:02:51 14 1:11:38 7 1:09:31 7 0:04:39 8:07:40 0:30:15 0:02:31 144
8 108 Gilberto Rodriguez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick R 6 1:47:07 12 1:30:26 10 1:27:07 14 1:01:36 10 1:11:54 8 1:11:32 10 0:00:27 8:10:09 0:32:44 0:02:29 108
9 3737 Jeff Terzo Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris RZR Pro R 6 1:46:49 11 1:31:30 13 1:22:24 5 1:00:30 5 1:18:58 25 1:10:26 9 0:03:09 8:13:46 0:36:21 0:03:37 3737
10 133 Todd Romano Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 6 1:49:41 19 1:35:25 23 1:27:03 13 1:03:06 15 1:13:49 13 1:13:06 14 0:04:27 8:26:37 0:49:12 0:12:51 133
11 521 Hap Kellogg Vintage Class 5 VW Class 5 unlimited 6 1:48:07 16 1:36:34 28 1:42:17 34 1:02:35 11 1:10:09 6 1:09:34 8 „“:““ 8:29:16 0:51:51 0:02:39 521
12 916 Javier Gonzalez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Polaris RZR 1000 turbo S 6 1:47:44 15 1:38:15 34 1:32:15 19 1:03:46 17 1:16:46 18 1:11:49 11 0:00:09 8:30:44 0:53:19 0:01:28 916
13 99 Matt Green Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser Prerunner 6 2:02:02 35 1:28:07 8 1:19:07 3 1:05:36 23 1:18:00 21 1:18:00 25 0:00:09 8:31:01 0:53:36 0:00:17 99
14 60 Richie Mendez Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 1:47:44 14 1:32:10 16 1:25:08 9 1:01:15 8 1:24:14 40 1:21:47 33 „“:““ 8:32:18 0:54:53 0:01:17 60
15 20 Gay Smith Evolution Unlimited Buggy VW Bug 6 1:57:42 29 1:34:58 22 1:26:36 11 0:56:18 3 1:14:36 15 1:08:18 3 0:14:00 8:32:28 0:55:03 0:00:10 20
16 1989 Renee Hudson Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 4 6 1:47:27 13 1:37:31 31 1:33:46 24 1:01:31 9 1:22:43 36 1:17:11 21 „“:““ 8:40:09 1:02:44 0:07:41 1989
17 1248 Lloyd (lee ) Banning Evolution Prerun Buggies Bms 3-BMSPR 6 1:59:06 30 1:31:23 12 1:33:23 23 1:05:46 25 1:16:58 19 1:13:40 16 „“:““ 8:40:16 1:02:51 0:00:07 1248
18 811 Trevor Glidden Evolution Heavy Metal Chevy 1500 6 1:53:29 23 1:37:56 33 1:35:14 25 1:07:00 27 1:18:59 27 1:17:40 24 „“:““ 8:50:18 1:12:53 0:10:02 811
19 1212 Garret Ashworth Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am X3 6 1:54:21 25 1:41:08 38 1:36:56 29 1:04:35 20 1:18:14 22 1:14:52 18 0:00:27 8:50:33 1:13:08 0:00:15 1212
20 1690 Robert Fleishman Vintage Class 1/2-1600 Prc 2-1600 6 1:56:43 28 1:35:26 25 1:35:23 26 1:07:35 29 1:17:18 20 1:16:00 19 0:02:15 8:50:40 1:13:15 0:00:07 1690
21 392 Ricardo Zaragoza Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 6 1:53:39 24 1:34:37 21 1:29:40 16 1:03:14 16 1:13:04 10 1:12:29 12 0:30:00 8:56:43 1:19:18 0:06:03 392
22 1958 Doug Brummett Evolution Open UTV Can Am X3 6 1:54:35 26 1:37:18 29 1:35:31 27 1:07:13 28 1:19:14 28 1:23:46 38 „“:““ 8:57:37 1:20:12 0:00:54 1958
23 3003 Andrew Whitehead Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 6 2:18:52 52 1:33:41 19 1:36:13 28 1:05:08 22 1:15:02 16 1:14:17 17 0:00:09 9:03:22 1:25:57 0:05:45 3003
24 3559 Brad Halco Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 6 1:48:32 18 1:34:16 20 1:28:29 15 1:12:08 36 1:53:05 53 1:17:26 23 0:00:18 9:14:14 1:36:49 0:10:52 3559
25 818 Donald Mahnke Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Rzr Pro R 6 2:01:43 34 1:47:49 44 1:46:17 40 1:11:13 34 1:23:34 39 1:20:24 31 0:00:36 9:31:36 1:54:11 0:17:22 818
26 1920 Tricia Reina Evolution Production N/A UTV Textron XX 6 2:05:47 38 1:46:03 41 1:45:49 39 1:10:04 33 1:22:55 37 1:22:23 36 0:00:09 9:33:10 1:55:45 0:01:34 1920
27 569 Drew Pefferle Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Mav R 6 2:45:31 62 1:32:07 15 1:30:32 17 1:21:41 46 1:18:37 24 1:13:21 15 0:04:09 9:45:58 2:08:33 0:12:48 569
28 3557 Tj Brown Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Bandit 6 2:07:45 40 1:42:13 39 1:37:27 31 1:15:57 44 1:25:17 42 1:19:34 29 0:19:09 9:47:22 2:09:57 0:01:24 3557
29 225 Arnoldo Gutierrez Evolution Heavy Metal Spirit Racework Ford 6 2:21:30 55 1:36:29 27 1:44:52 38 1:04:47 21 1:14:34 14 1:23:45 37 0:28:00 9:53:57 2:16:32 0:06:35 225
30 1825 Edward Gibson Evolution Heavy Metal Pro Truck Prophy 6 2:34:15 60 1:33:32 18 1:33:17 22 1:06:34 26 1:12:55 9 1:54:46 52 0:00:45 9:56:04 2:18:39 0:02:07 1825
31 355 Michael Josi Evolution Production N/A UTV Polaris Z21NAR99AN 6 2:08:19 43 1:48:15 45 1:42:30 35 1:15:28 42 1:24:26 41 1:21:03 32 0:18:00 9:58:01 2:20:36 0:01:57 355
32 2112 Grant Ingram Evolution Unlimited Buggy Rmr Jackal 6 1:51:22 21 1:35:25 24 1:32:31 21 1:02:37 13 1:13:19 11 2:38:33 54 0:06:06 9:59:53 2:22:28 0:01:52 2112
33 612 Gary Payne Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Baja Bandit 6 2:07:58 41 1:49:18 48 1:54:24 44 1:20:17 45 1:27:40 45 1:25:47 42 0:01:30 10:06:54 2:29:29 0:07:01 612
34 2050 John Breckshot Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro r 6 1:59:42 31 1:43:16 40 1:40:23 33 2:04:48 55 1:20:29 29 1:20:17 30 0:10:00 10:18:55 2:41:30 0:12:01 2050
35 555 Chris Sanders Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick X3RS 6 2:18:21 51 1:59:26 55 2:08:03 49 1:12:32 38 1:21:32 33 1:24:36 40 0:00:54 10:25:24 2:47:59 0:06:29 555
36 88 Don Mahnke Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 2022 Rzr Pro R 6 2:08:11 42 1:54:27 51 2:01:18 48 1:28:19 52 1:35:59 48 1:31:03 43 „“:““ 10:39:17 3:01:52 0:13:53 88
37 924 Roberto Gonzalez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 6 2:00:53 33 1:40:24 36 2:24:33 56 1:11:31 35 1:21:21 32 1:33:14 44 0:33:27 10:45:23 3:07:58 0:06:06 924
38 354 David Lauer jr Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv El Diablo 6 2:19:47 53 1:49:13 47 1:47:55 43 1:53:02 53 1:26:50 43 1:19:30 28 0:10:00 10:46:17 3:08:52 0:00:54 354
39 6 Steve Fugate Evolution Production N/A UTV Yamaha YXZ 6 2:15:21 49 1:59:20 54 2:09:12 51 1:27:49 51 1:40:17 51 1:34:27 45 0:10:00 11:16:26 3:39:01 0:30:09 6
40 185 Jeremy Frazee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 1:53:06 22 1:37:51 32 1:32:26 20 1:04:32 19 1:16:16 17 3:20:13 55 0:35:27 11:19:51 3:42:26 0:03:25 185
41 369 Janey Lee Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can-am Maverik R XRS 6 2:09:07 44 2:09:43 57 2:12:54 53 1:23:04 48 1:42:37 52 1:34:36 47 0:13:06 11:25:07 3:47:42 0:05:16 369
42 1850 Paul Barnhart jr Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris pro r 6 1:55:11 27 1:39:14 35 4:00:00 63 1:09:26 31 1:21:18 31 1:18:25 26 0:02:03 11:25:37 3:48:12 0:00:30 1850
43 560 Ryan Baillargeon VINTAGE CLASS 5-1600 VW Baja 6 2:06:10 39 1:47:46 43 2:25:48 57 2:02:40 54 1:27:41 46 1:35:56 49 0:00:09 11:26:10 3:48:45 0:00:33 560
44 36 Carlos Fonseca Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro r 6 3:38:51 65 1:50:50 49 1:47:40 42 1:21:47 47 1:22:14 35 1:25:29 41 0:01:21 11:28:12 3:50:47 0:02:02 36
45 5137 Chris Horn Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speedutv El Diablo 6 2:14:17 48 2:45:15 61 2:00:14 47 1:23:14 49 1:29:33 47 1:21:59 35 0:16:09 11:30:41 3:53:16 0:02:29 5137
46 361 Kim Matzen Evolution Ultra 4×4 Jhf Buggy 6 2:26:25 57 2:26:37 59 2:08:32 50 1:24:10 50 1:38:32 50 1:34:33 46 „“:““ 11:38:49 4:01:24 0:08:08 361
47 564 Jacob Whall Vintage Open Trucks Polaris Pro r 6 2:13:59 47 1:46:31 42 1:44:26 37 1:12:16 37 1:20:47 30 1:23:51 39 2:08:54 11:50:44 4:13:19 0:11:55 564
48 760 Tommaso Maggiore Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 2:03:53 37 3:23:57 62 1:37:07 30 1:09:09 30 1:18:59 26 1:18:27 27 1:06:00 11:57:32 4:20:07 0:06:48 760
49 576 Christopher Garman Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 6 3:40:58 66 1:48:45 46 1:46:26 41 1:14:05 41 1:22:03 34 1:17:06 20 0:50:00 11:59:23 4:21:58 0:01:51 576
50 7069 Glenn Kirby Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am X3 6 3:27:59 64 1:57:26 53 2:13:12 54 1:13:23 40 1:36:06 49 1:35:17 48 0:04:00 12:07:23 4:29:58 0:08:00 7069
51 3556 Taz Harvey Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Baja Bandit 6 2:20:09 54 4:05:00 68 1:56:27 45 1:09:48 32 1:18:16 23 1:17:19 22 0:01:12 12:08:11 4:30:46 0:00:48 3556
52 166 Don Hatch Vintage Open Truck w/4×4 Eversen Bronco 6 4:52:00 67 1:52:29 50 4:00:00 60 1:15:51 43 1:23:34 38 1:21:56 34 0:21:03 15:06:53 7:29:28 2:58:42 166
53 1069 Taylor Nosko Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Chenowth Class 10 6 2:17:21 50 1:56:32 52 2:11:44 52 3:27:00 58 2:08:12 54 1:46:14 50 1:35:00 15:22:03 7:44:38 0:15:10 1069
54 5007 Mark Wakeling Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 6 2:37:26 61 2:42:26 60 1:42:46 36 3:03:05 56 3:57:00 58 3:24:00 58 0:06:00 17:32:43 9:55:18 2:10:40 5007
55 1177 Ramón Manriquez Evolution Class 11 VW Bocho Spec 6 2:13:06 46 4:05:00 65 2:13:44 55 3:16:43 57 3:57:00 55 2:18:37 53 0:01:12 18:05:22 10:27:57 0:32:39 1177
56 1979 Thomas Purcell Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 2:28:55 58 4:05:00 67 4:00:00 64 1:01:06 7 3:57:00 57 3:24:00 57 0:03:09 18:59:10 11:21:45 0:53:48 1979
57 1199 Franz Muhr Evolution Class 11 Volkswagen Trophy Bocho 6 4:52:00 69 4:05:00 66 4:00:00 62 3:27:00 59 3:57:00 56 3:24:00 56 0:00:45 23:45:45 16:08:20 4:46:35 1199
NHY 100 Pat Dean Evolution Unlimited Buggy All Star 2 seat 0 NHY NHY 100
NHY 801 Perry Mcneil Vintage Open Truck w/4×4 Ford Raptor 0 NHY NHY 801
NHY 77 Max Gordon Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 1 1:44:36 9 NHY NHY 77
NHY 1974 Charles Chase Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick R 1 1:13:16 39 NHY NHY 1974
NHY 2950 Trey Hernquist Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 1 1:59:39 56 NHY NHY 2950
NHY 48 Craig Mccarthy Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser Trophy Truck 2 1:38:23 1 1:25:55 4 NHY NHY 48
NHY 2978 Carlos Ibarra Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 2 2:10:30 45 1:35:52 26 NHY NHY 2978
NHY 3941 Steven Brink Evolution Production N/A UTV Yamaha 4X2 1000 2 1:59:48 32 4:00:00 65 NHY NHY 3941
NHY 2 Paul Broughton Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser TT 3 1:49:59 20 1:32:40 17 3:07:07 58 NHY NHY 2
NHY 7 Robby Gordon Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 3 1:40:26 3 3:27:34 63 4:00:00 59 NHY NHY 7
NHY 223 Tony Murray Evolution Prerun Buggies Alumicraft Pre runner 3 2:32:29 59 1:37:29 30 1:31:44 18 NHY NHY 223
DNF 368 Steve Roberts Evolution 4-Seat UTV Speed Utv El Jefe 3 2:21:30 56 2:18:12 58 1:56:51 46 DNF DNF 368
NHY 821 Richard Rasmussen Vintage Open Trucks Chevy 1500 3 2:51:42 63 1:41:00 37 4:16:13 66 NHY NHY 821
NHY 874 Bronson Chiaramonte Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 3 1:48:29 17 1:31:15 11 1:26:53 12 NHY NHY 874
NHY 7667 James Chip Griffith iii Evolution 6100 Armada 6100 3 1:43:01 7 1:27:13 5 1:39:38 32 NHY NHY 7667
NHY 747 Nick Mcphee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 4:52:00 68 4:05:00 64 4:00:00 61 1:03:53 18 1:27:17 44 1:48:42 51 NHY NHY 747


Welcome to NORRA 500 2024 – Chris Forsberg

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Results / Ergebnisse – CLASSIC OVERALL

C11-SS01 P
C13-SS02 P
C15-SS03 P
C21-SS01 P
C23-SS02 P
C25-SS03 P
1st comp
Diff to
1 1601 Jim Greenway Legend Buggies Raceco 2/1600 6 1:54:54 3 1:36:52 1 0:44:04 1 1:06:42 2 1:19:22 2 1:13:49 1 0:00:09 7:55:52 . . 1601
2 33 Bob Howle Vintage 4-cyl Buggies Chenoweth DR2 6 1:53:55 2 1:39:18 2 0:49:16 5 1:06:03 1 1:16:44 1 1:14:37 2 0:18:18 8:18:11 0:22:19 0:22:19 33
3 828 Michael Friel Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford F-100 6 2:00:32 5 1:45:57 4 0:50:26 7 1:15:59 5 1:30:17 6 1:30:12 6 0:12:09 9:05:32 1:09:40 0:47:21 828
4 414 Tom Allen Evolution JeepSpeed 3700 Jeep Wrangler 6 2:06:38 8 1:48:13 6 1:05:22 13 1:12:17 3 1:23:45 4 1:27:03 5 0:03:09 9:06:27 1:10:35 0:00:55 414
5 301 Larry Trim Vintage Short Wheelbase 4×4 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 2:03:30 6 1:43:59 3 0:48:07 3 1:18:23 8 1:35:13 8 1:41:24 9 0:00:27 9:11:03 1:15:11 0:04:36 301
6 804 John Mccormack Challenger Trucks Ford F100 6 2:09:43 9 2:21:20 10 0:45:39 2 1:17:45 7 1:22:53 3 1:21:42 3 0:00:27 9:19:29 1:23:37 0:08:26 804
7 305 Ramon Castro Pioneer Buggies Sandwinder buggy 6 2:05:00 7 2:34:21 11 0:48:49 4 1:16:59 6 1:35:00 7 1:21:53 4 0:01:12 9:43:14 1:47:22 0:23:45 305
8 9 Jon Steinhilber Pioneer Buggies Meyers Manx 6 2:28:43 12 2:12:11 9 1:04:01 11 1:38:19 11 1:48:00 11 1:42:19 10 „“:““ 10:53:33 2:57:41 1:10:19 9
9 1407 Christopher Rosch Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford F100 6 2:21:45 11 1:47:19 5 1:37:56 15 2:16:45 14 1:28:34 5 1:30:14 7 0:08:00 11:10:33 3:14:41 0:17:00 1407
10 407 Eric Olson Pioneer 4x4s Ford Bronco 6 2:32:27 13 2:11:42 8 1:05:00 12 2:00:57 13 1:50:36 12 1:42:27 11 „“:““ 11:23:09 3:27:17 0:12:36 407
11 711 Richard Bartell Vintage 6-cyl Trucks Ford Ranger 6 2:34:08 14 4:05:00 15 2:08:00 17 1:32:33 9 1:52:40 13 1:42:55 13 0:44:51 14:40:07 6:44:15 3:16:58 711
12 468 Jose Julio Santibanez Vintage 4-cyl Trucks Toyota 4 Runner 6 4:52:00 17 4:05:00 14 1:00:03 9 1:42:09 12 1:47:50 10 1:48:41 14 „“:““ 15:15:43 7:19:51 0:35:36 468
13 8008 Kyle Wirtz VINTAGE 6-CYL BUGGIES VW Bug 6 3:10:30 15 4:05:00 20 1:36:56 14 1:13:07 4 2:33:42 14 1:37:03 8 1:01:00 15:17:18 7:21:26 0:01:35 8008
14 304 Sol Saltzman Pioneer Trucks Dodge STEP SIDE 6 4:52:00 16 4:05:00 13 0:59:40 8 3:27:00 17 1:42:34 9 1:42:35 12 0:02:42 16:51:31 8:55:39 1:34:13 304
15 5150 Adam Knapik Vintage Open Truck Rear Leafs Ford Ranger 6 4:52:00 20 4:05:00 18 2:08:00 19 1:37:09 10 3:09:52 15 3:24:00 15 0:02:00 19:18:01 11:22:09 2:26:30 5150
16 7164 Chris Forsberg Evolution Class 7100 Nissan Frontier 6 4:52:00 21 4:05:00 19 2:08:00 20 2:32:31 16 3:57:00 16 3:24:00 16 „“:““ 20:58:31 13:02:39 1:40:30 7164
DNF 116 Gordon Lewis Legend Buggies Funco SS2 0 DNF DNF 116
DNF 835 Brandon Hearn Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford Bronco 0 DNF DNF 835
DNF 188 Bryant Blakemore Historic Buggy Funco SS2 1 2:18:14 10 DNF DNF 188
DNF 201 Chad Cummings Vintage 4-cyl Buggies Lothringer 2 Seat 3 1:53:12 1 1:57:01 7 1:01:47 10 DNF DNF 201
DNF 565 Max Minshull Challenger Cars Volkswagen Type 1 3 1:59:26 4 2:57:48 12 0:49:50 6 DNF DNF 565
DNF 1010 Dan Mahnke Vintage Open Truck Rear Leafs Ford F150 3 4:52:00 19 4:05:00 17 2:08:00 18 DNF DNF 1010
DNF 772 Jorge Torres Vintage Short Wheelbase 4×4 Toyota pick up 4 4:52:00 18 4:05:00 16 1:57:00 16 2:31:22 15 DNF DNF 772



Quelle / Source: Bink Designs, Norra 500


The final day of racing is upon us at the 2024 NORRA 500. Those who are out front and running strong hope to bring it home with a win. Those who may have struggled on day one are looking for a chance at redemption. The rally format and multiple days of racing at NORRA allow teams to regroup and continue with their best efforts. No matter how much work goes into the preparation, any team can have a great day of racing, or run into problems. NORRA races show who is consistently good and who can solve problems along the way. The winners did not just have a lucky day; they showed their abilities and left no doubts they were the strongest.

Day two would have lots of spectacular scenery and unique experiences as it travelled north from San Quintin to Ensenada. The final 51 mile long special section from San Vicente to Santo Tomas would crown the King of the Beach. The fastest time on that section wins the special trophy. In addition to the race for the overall win, there are individual classes battling for their spots on the podium. After hundreds of miles of racing on day one, competitors were only separated by minutes and sometimes only seconds. The strategy on the final day of racing is to go fast and win. Looking at the list of names at the top of the leader board, making time on those teams would not be easy.

Dave Mason Jr. would start the day in seventh place overall. He charged on the first stage taking the win, but overall race leader Kyle Murray was not going to let him gain time on him, he finished second. Gay Smith took a run on the Evolution Unlimited class leader and second overall Bill Zemak. Smith was third fastest on the stage, but again Zemak was fourth and had Smith covered. Jeff Terzo had a strong run to finish fifth fastest on the stage. The strong teams up front were still running fast. Bruce Yee was sixth, Thomas Purcell seventh, Richie Mendez was eighth, Renee Hudson ninth and Gilberto Rodriguez tenth. The Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/ class 10 racers were turning up the heat on the Yee’s who led the class. They finished fifth through tenth. With twenty thousand dollars on the line, it was time to go.

Stage two saw some new names at the top and some movement in the overall standings. It was still Dave Mason Jr. with the win and Kyle Murray covering him in second, but Zak Langley was third fastest. The Fab School class 5 of Hap Kellogg finished sixth. Austin Farner was seventh. Edward Gibson was ninth in his heavy metal truck and Ricardo Zaragoza was tenth in his Pro Turbo UTV.

Going into the final King of the Beach timed special stage, the overall standings were Kyle Murray first, Bill Zemak second, Bruce Yee third, PJ Jones fourth, Dave Mason Jr. fifth, Zak Langley sixth, Austin Farner seventh, Gilberto Rodriguez eighth, Jeff Terzo ninth and Todd Romano in tenth. This final stage was a challenge. Starting in San Vicente, it headed through the wash towards the Pacific Ocean. After hitting the beach in Erendira, it ran along the coast past Rancho Tampico and then through the coastal mountains to Santo Tomas. Drivers would need speed, but also precision if they were going to be successful.

Dave Mason Jr. proved his speed again, taking the stage win and King of the Beach title. Bruce Yee put in a very fast run to finish second on the stage. Gay Smith was third. Kyle Murray was a solid fourth. Bill Zemak was fifth. Then finishing the top ten were Zak Langley, Austin Farner, Hap Kellogg, Jeff Terzo and Gilberto Rodriguez, in that order. All that was left was to tally the final times, assess any penalties and celebrate the winners. Judging by the smiles on everyone’s faces, there were many who won their individual battles. They might have been just getting to the finish line after overcoming adversity, all the way up to an overall win or cash prize for their class. Congratulations go out to all of them.

The overall win went to Kyle Murray who dominated both days of racing. His team showed speed and consistency that was unmatched. Bill Zemak was a close second and had much of the same performance. He won the Evolution Unlimited buggy class over second in class and third place overall Dave Mason Jr. Mason moved from seventh to third overall on day two. Fourth overall and big winners of the race were the Yee brothers Bruce, Max and Diego. It didn’t seem to matter who was behind the wheel or which brother was calling out the navigation; they were fast. They were fourth overall and won the Pro 2000 UTV and Class 10 category which earned them a check for 20 thousand dollars and a K24 Honda race engine from Lozano Performance worth $9500. This course seemed to be suited for a class 10 car to win, but there was lots of competition in the class; including Austin Farner who finished second and Jeff Terzo in third.

The Yee brothers also had the cops on their tails, but not how you think. Zak Langley and the Cops racing team finished fifth overall and second in Evolution 6100. PJ Jones was the winner in Pro Turbo UTV and sixth overall. PJ also walked away with a check for 20 thousand and the Fab School Overall UTV trophy. Just two and a half minutes behind was the second overall UTV and seventh overall of Austin Farner. Eighth, ninth and tenth places overall were all UTV’s. The order went Gilberto Rodriguez, Jeff Terzo and Todd Romano.

Also worth a mention is Hap Kellogg who won another Vintage class 5 title. His The Fab School sponsored car is in the Vintage era, but can still hang with the fastest Evolution Era vehicles. In the Evolution class 11 battle, Ramon Manriquez was able to overcome the lead held by Franz Muhr to take the win and check for $2500. Chris Forsberg and the NISMO team got their second straight NORRA 500 win. And for all the millions wondering if the Donut Media 5150 truck would survive Baja, they did. The team did an incredible job overcoming everything that Baja dished out. Our Grand Marshal Ramon Castro was awarded the Madonna trophy from Bilstein. First time racer at the NORRA 500, but definitely not the last, Janey Lee earned the Mary McGee trophy for her accomplishments on and off the course.

The competition side of the event was exciting, but NORRA is so much more. NORRA events give you the whole Baja experience. The Meyers Manx Safari Expedition had an incredible journey according to those who participated. Huge thanks go out to the many volunteers, the sweep crews; who were still rescuing people on the way home by the way, and the incredible sponsors of NORRA; Speed Energy, Bilstein, Meyers Manx, Raceline Wheels, Nomad, Mobelwagen, STEEL-IT and The Fab School. They all combine to make it such a great event. For complete finishing results and more go to Also check out the coverage on NORRA TV for footage from the race.




Results / Ergebnisse – OVERALL PRO

P11-SS01 P
P13-SS02 P
P15-SS03 P
P21-SS01 P
P23-SS02 P
P25-SS03 P
1st comp
Diff to
1 6109 Kyle Murray Evolution 6100 Geiser trophy truck spec 6 1:40:57 5 1:25:34 2 1:16:30 2 0:56:11 2 1:08:37 2 1:08:51 4 0:00:45 7:37:25 . . 6109
2 935 Bill Zemak Evolution Unlimited Buggy Rmr Jackal 6 1:42:12 6 1:27:57 7 1:19:59 4 0:57:55 4 1:09:25 4 1:08:56 5 „“:““ 7:46:24 0:08:59 0:08:59 935
3 165 Dave Mason jr. Evolution Unlimited Buggy Mason Off Road Class 1 Unlimited 6 2:02:54 36 1:25:52 3 1:15:52 1 0:54:43 1 1:05:09 1 1:05:31 1 0:02:51 7:52:52 0:15:27 0:06:28 165
4 1014 Bruce Yee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Alumicraft Class 10 6 1:40:51 4 1:31:37 14 1:23:10 7 1:00:45 6 1:10:00 5 1:07:31 2 „“:““ 7:53:54 0:16:29 0:01:02 1014
5 250 Zak Langley Evolution 6100 Mason TTspec 6 1:44:43 10 1:27:39 6 1:22:30 6 1:05:38 24 1:09:20 3 1:09:17 6 „“:““ 7:59:07 0:21:42 0:05:13 250
6 980 Pj Jones Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Mav R 6 1:40:17 2 1:25:03 1 1:24:31 8 1:02:36 12 1:13:40 12 1:12:59 13 0:06:03 8:05:09 0:27:44 0:06:02 980
7 144 Austin (fish) Farner Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 6 1:43:20 8 1:29:19 9 1:26:22 10 1:02:51 14 1:11:38 7 1:09:31 7 0:04:39 8:07:40 0:30:15 0:02:31 144
8 108 Gilberto Rodriguez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick R 6 1:47:07 12 1:30:26 10 1:27:07 14 1:01:36 10 1:11:54 8 1:11:32 10 0:00:27 8:10:09 0:32:44 0:02:29 108
9 3737 Jeff Terzo Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris RZR Pro R 6 1:46:49 11 1:31:30 13 1:22:24 5 1:00:30 5 1:18:58 25 1:10:26 9 0:03:09 8:13:46 0:36:21 0:03:37 3737
10 133 Todd Romano Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 6 1:49:41 19 1:35:25 23 1:27:03 13 1:03:06 15 1:13:49 13 1:13:06 14 0:04:27 8:26:37 0:49:12 0:12:51 133
11 521 Hap Kellogg Vintage Class 5 VW Class 5 unlimited 6 1:48:07 16 1:36:34 28 1:42:17 34 1:02:35 11 1:10:09 6 1:09:34 8 „“:““ 8:29:16 0:51:51 0:02:39 521
12 916 Javier Gonzalez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Polaris RZR 1000 turbo S 6 1:47:44 15 1:38:15 34 1:32:15 19 1:03:46 17 1:16:46 18 1:11:49 11 0:00:09 8:30:44 0:53:19 0:01:28 916
13 99 Matt Green Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser Prerunner 6 2:02:02 35 1:28:07 8 1:19:07 3 1:05:36 23 1:18:00 21 1:18:00 25 0:00:09 8:31:01 0:53:36 0:00:17 99
14 60 Richie Mendez Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 1:47:44 14 1:32:10 16 1:25:08 9 1:01:15 8 1:24:14 40 1:21:47 33 „“:““ 8:32:18 0:54:53 0:01:17 60
15 20 Gay Smith Evolution Unlimited Buggy VW Bug 6 1:57:42 29 1:34:58 22 1:26:36 11 0:56:18 3 1:14:36 15 1:08:18 3 0:14:00 8:32:28 0:55:03 0:00:10 20
16 1989 Renee Hudson Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 4 6 1:47:27 13 1:37:31 31 1:33:46 24 1:01:31 9 1:22:43 36 1:17:11 21 „“:““ 8:40:09 1:02:44 0:07:41 1989
17 1248 Lloyd (lee ) Banning Evolution Prerun Buggies Bms 3-BMSPR 6 1:59:06 30 1:31:23 12 1:33:23 23 1:05:46 25 1:16:58 19 1:13:40 16 „“:““ 8:40:16 1:02:51 0:00:07 1248
18 811 Trevor Glidden Evolution Heavy Metal Chevy 1500 6 1:53:29 23 1:37:56 33 1:35:14 25 1:07:00 27 1:18:59 27 1:17:40 24 „“:““ 8:50:18 1:12:53 0:10:02 811
19 1212 Garret Ashworth Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am X3 6 1:54:21 25 1:41:08 38 1:36:56 29 1:04:35 20 1:18:14 22 1:14:52 18 0:00:27 8:50:33 1:13:08 0:00:15 1212
20 1690 Robert Fleishman Vintage Class 1/2-1600 Prc 2-1600 6 1:56:43 28 1:35:26 25 1:35:23 26 1:07:35 29 1:17:18 20 1:16:00 19 0:02:15 8:50:40 1:13:15 0:00:07 1690
21 392 Ricardo Zaragoza Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 6 1:53:39 24 1:34:37 21 1:29:40 16 1:03:14 16 1:13:04 10 1:12:29 12 0:30:00 8:56:43 1:19:18 0:06:03 392
22 1958 Doug Brummett Evolution Open UTV Can Am X3 6 1:54:35 26 1:37:18 29 1:35:31 27 1:07:13 28 1:19:14 28 1:23:46 38 „“:““ 8:57:37 1:20:12 0:00:54 1958
23 3003 Andrew Whitehead Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris PRO R 6 2:18:52 52 1:33:41 19 1:36:13 28 1:05:08 22 1:15:02 16 1:14:17 17 0:00:09 9:03:22 1:25:57 0:05:45 3003
24 3559 Brad Halco Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 6 1:48:32 18 1:34:16 20 1:28:29 15 1:12:08 36 1:53:05 53 1:17:26 23 0:00:18 9:14:14 1:36:49 0:10:52 3559
25 818 Donald Mahnke Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Rzr Pro R 6 2:01:43 34 1:47:49 44 1:46:17 40 1:11:13 34 1:23:34 39 1:20:24 31 0:00:36 9:31:36 1:54:11 0:17:22 818
26 1920 Tricia Reina Evolution Production N/A UTV Textron XX 6 2:05:47 38 1:46:03 41 1:45:49 39 1:10:04 33 1:22:55 37 1:22:23 36 0:00:09 9:33:10 1:55:45 0:01:34 1920
27 569 Drew Pefferle Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Mav R 6 2:45:31 62 1:32:07 15 1:30:32 17 1:21:41 46 1:18:37 24 1:13:21 15 0:04:09 9:45:58 2:08:33 0:12:48 569
28 3557 Tj Brown Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Bandit 6 2:07:45 40 1:42:13 39 1:37:27 31 1:15:57 44 1:25:17 42 1:19:34 29 0:19:09 9:47:22 2:09:57 0:01:24 3557
29 225 Arnoldo Gutierrez Evolution Heavy Metal Spirit Racework Ford 6 2:21:30 55 1:36:29 27 1:44:52 38 1:04:47 21 1:14:34 14 1:23:45 37 0:28:00 9:53:57 2:16:32 0:06:35 225
30 1825 Edward Gibson Evolution Heavy Metal Pro Truck Prophy 6 2:34:15 60 1:33:32 18 1:33:17 22 1:06:34 26 1:12:55 9 1:54:46 52 0:00:45 9:56:04 2:18:39 0:02:07 1825
31 355 Michael Josi Evolution Production N/A UTV Polaris Z21NAR99AN 6 2:08:19 43 1:48:15 45 1:42:30 35 1:15:28 42 1:24:26 41 1:21:03 32 0:18:00 9:58:01 2:20:36 0:01:57 355
32 2112 Grant Ingram Evolution Unlimited Buggy Rmr Jackal 6 1:51:22 21 1:35:25 24 1:32:31 21 1:02:37 13 1:13:19 11 2:38:33 54 0:06:06 9:59:53 2:22:28 0:01:52 2112
33 612 Gary Payne Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Baja Bandit 6 2:07:58 41 1:49:18 48 1:54:24 44 1:20:17 45 1:27:40 45 1:25:47 42 0:01:30 10:06:54 2:29:29 0:07:01 612
34 2050 John Breckshot Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro r 6 1:59:42 31 1:43:16 40 1:40:23 33 2:04:48 55 1:20:29 29 1:20:17 30 0:10:00 10:18:55 2:41:30 0:12:01 2050
35 555 Chris Sanders Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick X3RS 6 2:18:21 51 1:59:26 55 2:08:03 49 1:12:32 38 1:21:32 33 1:24:36 40 0:00:54 10:25:24 2:47:59 0:06:29 555
36 88 Don Mahnke Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 2022 Rzr Pro R 6 2:08:11 42 1:54:27 51 2:01:18 48 1:28:19 52 1:35:59 48 1:31:03 43 „“:““ 10:39:17 3:01:52 0:13:53 88
37 924 Roberto Gonzalez Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 6 2:00:53 33 1:40:24 36 2:24:33 56 1:11:31 35 1:21:21 32 1:33:14 44 0:33:27 10:45:23 3:07:58 0:06:06 924
38 354 David Lauer jr Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv El Diablo 6 2:19:47 53 1:49:13 47 1:47:55 43 1:53:02 53 1:26:50 43 1:19:30 28 0:10:00 10:46:17 3:08:52 0:00:54 354
39 6 Steve Fugate Evolution Production N/A UTV Yamaha YXZ 6 2:15:21 49 1:59:20 54 2:09:12 51 1:27:49 51 1:40:17 51 1:34:27 45 0:10:00 11:16:26 3:39:01 0:30:09 6
40 185 Jeremy Frazee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 1:53:06 22 1:37:51 32 1:32:26 20 1:04:32 19 1:16:16 17 3:20:13 55 0:35:27 11:19:51 3:42:26 0:03:25 185
41 369 Janey Lee Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can-am Maverik R XRS 6 2:09:07 44 2:09:43 57 2:12:54 53 1:23:04 48 1:42:37 52 1:34:36 47 0:13:06 11:25:07 3:47:42 0:05:16 369
42 1850 Paul Barnhart jr Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris pro r 6 1:55:11 27 1:39:14 35 4:00:00 63 1:09:26 31 1:21:18 31 1:18:25 26 0:02:03 11:25:37 3:48:12 0:00:30 1850
43 560 Ryan Baillargeon VINTAGE CLASS 5-1600 VW Baja 6 2:06:10 39 1:47:46 43 2:25:48 57 2:02:40 54 1:27:41 46 1:35:56 49 0:00:09 11:26:10 3:48:45 0:00:33 560
44 36 Carlos Fonseca Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro r 6 3:38:51 65 1:50:50 49 1:47:40 42 1:21:47 47 1:22:14 35 1:25:29 41 0:01:21 11:28:12 3:50:47 0:02:02 36
45 5137 Chris Horn Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speedutv El Diablo 6 2:14:17 48 2:45:15 61 2:00:14 47 1:23:14 49 1:29:33 47 1:21:59 35 0:16:09 11:30:41 3:53:16 0:02:29 5137
46 361 Kim Matzen Evolution Ultra 4×4 Jhf Buggy 6 2:26:25 57 2:26:37 59 2:08:32 50 1:24:10 50 1:38:32 50 1:34:33 46 „“:““ 11:38:49 4:01:24 0:08:08 361
47 564 Jacob Whall Vintage Open Trucks Polaris Pro r 6 2:13:59 47 1:46:31 42 1:44:26 37 1:12:16 37 1:20:47 30 1:23:51 39 2:08:54 11:50:44 4:13:19 0:11:55 564
48 760 Tommaso Maggiore Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 2:03:53 37 3:23:57 62 1:37:07 30 1:09:09 30 1:18:59 26 1:18:27 27 1:06:00 11:57:32 4:20:07 0:06:48 760
49 576 Christopher Garman Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 6 3:40:58 66 1:48:45 46 1:46:26 41 1:14:05 41 1:22:03 34 1:17:06 20 0:50:00 11:59:23 4:21:58 0:01:51 576
50 7069 Glenn Kirby Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am X3 6 3:27:59 64 1:57:26 53 2:13:12 54 1:13:23 40 1:36:06 49 1:35:17 48 0:04:00 12:07:23 4:29:58 0:08:00 7069
51 3556 Taz Harvey Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Baja Bandit 6 2:20:09 54 4:05:00 68 1:56:27 45 1:09:48 32 1:18:16 23 1:17:19 22 0:01:12 12:08:11 4:30:46 0:00:48 3556
52 166 Don Hatch Vintage Open Truck w/4×4 Eversen Bronco 6 4:52:00 67 1:52:29 50 4:00:00 60 1:15:51 43 1:23:34 38 1:21:56 34 0:21:03 15:06:53 7:29:28 2:58:42 166
53 1069 Taylor Nosko Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Chenowth Class 10 6 2:17:21 50 1:56:32 52 2:11:44 52 3:27:00 58 2:08:12 54 1:46:14 50 1:35:00 15:22:03 7:44:38 0:15:10 1069
54 5007 Mark Wakeling Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 6 2:37:26 61 2:42:26 60 1:42:46 36 3:03:05 56 3:57:00 58 3:24:00 58 0:06:00 17:32:43 9:55:18 2:10:40 5007
55 1177 Ramón Manriquez Evolution Class 11 VW Bocho Spec 6 2:13:06 46 4:05:00 65 2:13:44 55 3:16:43 57 3:57:00 55 2:18:37 53 0:01:12 18:05:22 10:27:57 0:32:39 1177
56 1979 Thomas Purcell Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 2:28:55 58 4:05:00 67 4:00:00 64 1:01:06 7 3:57:00 57 3:24:00 57 0:03:09 18:59:10 11:21:45 0:53:48 1979
57 1199 Franz Muhr Evolution Class 11 Volkswagen Trophy Bocho 6 4:52:00 69 4:05:00 66 4:00:00 62 3:27:00 59 3:57:00 56 3:24:00 56 0:00:45 23:45:45 16:08:20 4:46:35 1199
NHY 100 Pat Dean Evolution Unlimited Buggy All Star 2 seat 0 NHY NHY 100
NHY 801 Perry Mcneil Vintage Open Truck w/4×4 Ford Raptor 0 NHY NHY 801
NHY 77 Max Gordon Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 1 1:44:36 9 NHY NHY 77
NHY 1974 Charles Chase Evolution Production Turbo UTV Can Am Maverick R 1 1:13:16 39 NHY NHY 1974
NHY 2950 Trey Hernquist Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed El Diablo 1 1:59:39 56 NHY NHY 2950
NHY 48 Craig Mccarthy Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser Trophy Truck 2 1:38:23 1 1:25:55 4 NHY NHY 48
NHY 2978 Carlos Ibarra Evolution Production Turbo UTV Canam X3 2 2:10:30 45 1:35:52 26 NHY NHY 2978
NHY 3941 Steven Brink Evolution Production N/A UTV Yamaha 4X2 1000 2 1:59:48 32 4:00:00 65 NHY NHY 3941
NHY 2 Paul Broughton Evolution Unlimited Truck Geiser TT 3 1:49:59 20 1:32:40 17 3:07:07 58 NHY NHY 2
NHY 7 Robby Gordon Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 3 1:40:26 3 3:27:34 63 4:00:00 59 NHY NHY 7
NHY 223 Tony Murray Evolution Prerun Buggies Alumicraft Pre runner 3 2:32:29 59 1:37:29 30 1:31:44 18 NHY NHY 223
DNF 368 Steve Roberts Evolution 4-Seat UTV Speed Utv El Jefe 3 2:21:30 56 2:18:12 58 1:56:51 46 DNF DNF 368
NHY 821 Richard Rasmussen Vintage Open Trucks Chevy 1500 3 2:51:42 63 1:41:00 37 4:16:13 66 NHY NHY 821
NHY 874 Bronson Chiaramonte Evolution Production Turbo UTV Speed Utv Bandit 3 1:48:29 17 1:31:15 11 1:26:53 12 NHY NHY 874
NHY 7667 James Chip Griffith iii Evolution 6100 Armada 6100 3 1:43:01 7 1:27:13 5 1:39:38 32 NHY NHY 7667
NHY 747 Nick Mcphee Evolution Pro 2000 UTV/Class 10 Polaris Pro R 6 4:52:00 68 4:05:00 64 4:00:00 61 1:03:53 18 1:27:17 44 1:48:42 51 NHY NHY 747


Welcome to NORRA 500 2024 – Chris Forsberg

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Results / Ergebnisse – CLASSIC OVERALL

C11-SS01 P
C13-SS02 P
C15-SS03 P
C21-SS01 P
C23-SS02 P
C25-SS03 P
1st comp
Diff to
1 1601 Jim Greenway Legend Buggies Raceco 2/1600 6 1:54:54 3 1:36:52 1 0:44:04 1 1:06:42 2 1:19:22 2 1:13:49 1 0:00:09 7:55:52 . . 1601
2 33 Bob Howle Vintage 4-cyl Buggies Chenoweth DR2 6 1:53:55 2 1:39:18 2 0:49:16 5 1:06:03 1 1:16:44 1 1:14:37 2 0:18:18 8:18:11 0:22:19 0:22:19 33
3 828 Michael Friel Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford F-100 6 2:00:32 5 1:45:57 4 0:50:26 7 1:15:59 5 1:30:17 6 1:30:12 6 0:12:09 9:05:32 1:09:40 0:47:21 828
4 414 Tom Allen Evolution JeepSpeed 3700 Jeep Wrangler 6 2:06:38 8 1:48:13 6 1:05:22 13 1:12:17 3 1:23:45 4 1:27:03 5 0:03:09 9:06:27 1:10:35 0:00:55 414
5 301 Larry Trim Vintage Short Wheelbase 4×4 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 2:03:30 6 1:43:59 3 0:48:07 3 1:18:23 8 1:35:13 8 1:41:24 9 0:00:27 9:11:03 1:15:11 0:04:36 301
6 804 John Mccormack Challenger Trucks Ford F100 6 2:09:43 9 2:21:20 10 0:45:39 2 1:17:45 7 1:22:53 3 1:21:42 3 0:00:27 9:19:29 1:23:37 0:08:26 804
7 305 Ramon Castro Pioneer Buggies Sandwinder buggy 6 2:05:00 7 2:34:21 11 0:48:49 4 1:16:59 6 1:35:00 7 1:21:53 4 0:01:12 9:43:14 1:47:22 0:23:45 305
8 9 Jon Steinhilber Pioneer Buggies Meyers Manx 6 2:28:43 12 2:12:11 9 1:04:01 11 1:38:19 11 1:48:00 11 1:42:19 10 „“:““ 10:53:33 2:57:41 1:10:19 9
9 1407 Christopher Rosch Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford F100 6 2:21:45 11 1:47:19 5 1:37:56 15 2:16:45 14 1:28:34 5 1:30:14 7 0:08:00 11:10:33 3:14:41 0:17:00 1407
10 407 Eric Olson Pioneer 4x4s Ford Bronco 6 2:32:27 13 2:11:42 8 1:05:00 12 2:00:57 13 1:50:36 12 1:42:27 11 „“:““ 11:23:09 3:27:17 0:12:36 407
11 711 Richard Bartell Vintage 6-cyl Trucks Ford Ranger 6 2:34:08 14 4:05:00 15 2:08:00 17 1:32:33 9 1:52:40 13 1:42:55 13 0:44:51 14:40:07 6:44:15 3:16:58 711
12 468 Jose Julio Santibanez Vintage 4-cyl Trucks Toyota 4 Runner 6 4:52:00 17 4:05:00 14 1:00:03 9 1:42:09 12 1:47:50 10 1:48:41 14 „“:““ 15:15:43 7:19:51 0:35:36 468
13 8008 Kyle Wirtz VINTAGE 6-CYL BUGGIES VW Bug 6 3:10:30 15 4:05:00 20 1:36:56 14 1:13:07 4 2:33:42 14 1:37:03 8 1:01:00 15:17:18 7:21:26 0:01:35 8008
14 304 Sol Saltzman Pioneer Trucks Dodge STEP SIDE 6 4:52:00 16 4:05:00 13 0:59:40 8 3:27:00 17 1:42:34 9 1:42:35 12 0:02:42 16:51:31 8:55:39 1:34:13 304
15 5150 Adam Knapik Vintage Open Truck Rear Leafs Ford Ranger 6 4:52:00 20 4:05:00 18 2:08:00 19 1:37:09 10 3:09:52 15 3:24:00 15 0:02:00 19:18:01 11:22:09 2:26:30 5150
16 7164 Chris Forsberg Evolution Class 7100 Nissan Frontier 6 4:52:00 21 4:05:00 19 2:08:00 20 2:32:31 16 3:57:00 16 3:24:00 16 „“:““ 20:58:31 13:02:39 1:40:30 7164
DNF 116 Gordon Lewis Legend Buggies Funco SS2 0 DNF DNF 116
DNF 835 Brandon Hearn Evolution Prerun Trucks Ford Bronco 0 DNF DNF 835
DNF 188 Bryant Blakemore Historic Buggy Funco SS2 1 2:18:14 10 DNF DNF 188
DNF 201 Chad Cummings Vintage 4-cyl Buggies Lothringer 2 Seat 3 1:53:12 1 1:57:01 7 1:01:47 10 DNF DNF 201
DNF 565 Max Minshull Challenger Cars Volkswagen Type 1 3 1:59:26 4 2:57:48 12 0:49:50 6 DNF DNF 565
DNF 1010 Dan Mahnke Vintage Open Truck Rear Leafs Ford F150 3 4:52:00 19 4:05:00 17 2:08:00 18 DNF DNF 1010
DNF 772 Jorge Torres Vintage Short Wheelbase 4×4 Toyota pick up 4 4:52:00 18 4:05:00 16 1:57:00 16 2:31:22 15 DNF DNF 772



Quelle / Source: Bink Designs, Norra 500